
Go to the top of this website ->

Or try to look at my original, mainly Japanese site ->

Hello, I am sorry, but I do not understand these modern things like SEO etc., but I have heard, that hashtags might help people finding my site.

Three years ago I moved my page, which was built at that time with FrontPage 2000, from an American server to a Japanese server. In the past a search for “Thomas Acupuncture Clinic (or the Japanese name of it) brought up my website at the top, since there is only ONE clinic with that name in Japan.

Now, search for the same term requires scrolling down 7-8 pages until you find the URL for my site.

In the hope, that hashtags might improve things, I will write some here on this new page, which I will NOT add to the page menus.

Thank you for understanding.


#acupuncture clinic

#German acupuncturist


#oriental medicine


#Kanagawa prefecture

#reasonable treatment fees

#support for low income patients






#oriental medical texts














