Category: English

Articles written in English


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1.    翻訳者 ― お任せするぞ



「最大」とは⇒ 「これより上はない」と言う意味のはず。








Remove the [1] screw at 2 places at the top of both sides of the touch panel controller.

⇒ 上記の文章ではネジ一個が2箇所で止める指示になる。一枚の板の前後ではなく、パネルの左右に。私は考えられる範囲内では略不可能だと思う。 次に同じ原文から。元の日本語も変な国語だったから下記の結果を招いた。

Do not use the unit for special purposes, such as storing food, raising animals, growing plants, or preserving precision devices or art objects. It can degrade the quality of the preserved or stored objects.

タッチパネル=エアーコンを操作するための電子機械。”use the unit for” と言うのは「その機械は○○に使わないで下さい」を意味していると思います。→”use the unit (panel) to store food / use the unit to raise animals ….” それはどのようにするのだろうか。


「プルーフリーディング」 は気楽に頼まれる事がその正体はよく理解されていない(勘違い)様な気がする。「校正」及び「編集」の違いについて(英文、ネットにあった):

Editing(編集): Requires subject-matter expertise. Post-translation critical evaluation of the author’s (or translator’s) understanding of the material and/or use of terminology or concepts in the text. Includes also correction of obvious errors.

Editors are not proofreaders, although reading proofs is often part of the job description. Proofreaders check written material, usually as the final step before it is set into type, to correct errors in grammar, spelling, usage and style. Editors are expected to be fully qualified professionals, ex: a medical editor should have an excellent knowledge of medicine.

The term proofreading is sometimes used incorrectly to refer to copy-editing. This is a separate activity, although there is some overlap between the two. Proofreading consists of reviewing any text, either hard copy (on paper) or electronic copy (on a computer) and checking for typos and formatting errors. This may be done either against an original document or “blind” (without checking against any other source). Many modern proofreaders are also required to take on some light copy-editing duties, such as checking for grammar and consistency issues.

Proofreading: Requires target language knowledge of grammar, spelling and an ability to identify obvious mistakes and omissions. Post-translation checking of grammar, spelling, completeness of the text and correction of obvious errors. Proofreading means the critical revision of a text. In translation, this task mainly consists of checking aspects of spelling, grammar and syntax plus the general coherency and integrity of the target text. Proofreading constitutes the translator’s quality assurance; a factor that is always necessary within a purely human procedure. Proofreading should always be carried out by an experienced translator. OR: Proofreading is the procedure of checking composed material against the original manuscript for the purpose of locating errors before the newsletter is published or printed.